Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

The Australian Ugg Boots Phenomenon

The Australian Ugg Boots Phenomenon:

Ugg boots, also called winter sheepskin boots is a fashionable Australian sheepskin footwear. Aussie souvenir gifts, winter sheepskin boots is a fashionable Australian sheepskin footwear. These fashion accessories never grew out of time. Most people will wear them more than their denim jenis, and your feet will surely enjoy their presence.

What is ugg boots exactly, and how come they become so popular? So, here’s a short history lesson on the fenomenal Australian fashion called ugg boots. Call them what you will, they’re the fashion accessory that you will never grow out of, that you’ll wear more than your trusty faded denim jeans, and that your feet will love you for.

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The exact history about these winter sheepskil boots are unclear, it’s only definite that they’ve been worn by Australians since the first settlement of Europeans in the continent, that’s when they disccovered that their cold feet best be warmed by sheepskin footwear.

Outdoor lifestyle is in Australian’s blood, and Aussie surfers and beach lovers have been wearing winter sheepskin footwear for over fifty years on the beach, to keep their feet warm whilst out of the water.

‘Ugg boots’ name itself came from that famous Aussie tradition of lovingly abbreviating every common usage term, and it was only a short skip from “ugly boots”.

Eventough ugly as they were perceived at the time compared to more traditional wear, there was no beating these Australian uggs boots for warmth and comfort.

How the rest of the world started getting in on the action wearing these ‘ugly boots’ is somewhat debated, but one of the most commonly held beliefs is that they were popularised by Baywatch star, Pamela Anderson, when she kept her feet warm on set by wearing a pair of Australian ugg boots. Since then, tens of thousands of people around the world have bought pairs of uggs, whether it be as Aussie souvenir gifts, fashion statement, or most commonly, for their pure comfort and enjoyment.

The tought of wheter or not ugg boots will become as synonymous with the Australian lifestyle and culture as other Australian symbols such as the kangaroo and other symbols is yet to be seen, but one thing is for sure, this is one Australian lifestyle accessory that the rest of the world is loving as much as Australians do.

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